Cruising along the South African coast about 80 nm south of Durban, I just received this email from my weather guru Des.
That man can read my mind:
„Dear Ingo
I am sure by now you are having some regrets about being out there…“
That guy is so darn right.
My answere to him tells you what we are in right now:
„Hi Des, you can read my thoughts. And you do know the weather well.
I knew it was gonna be tough, but I didn’t expect it to come that bad. It’s even worse than WINDY is showing in their forecast.

High waves and uncomfortable swell. This is between purgatory and hell. But what am I talking – you know all that.
It’s good that I have cell phone connection so I can get the forecast. According to WINDY the wind should go down from noon on. Slowly – but that will be a relief. They better not lie to me.
A big wave flooded the cockpit 15 Minutes ago and I was soaking wet and just changed my clothes…“
Sailing is bad, when you are tied up to a schedule. This will be a loooooong day.
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