Skipper Ingo was lucky and got the boom slider fixed, and he mounted it back on with new bearings.
Boat is ready now for an Atlantic crossing.
He is not as comfortable as he was on his own boat because this boat doesn’t have a backup in all its systems. There is no spare genoa on board, only a spare main sail. Also it doesn’t have a wind steering system (wind auto pilot).
And it doesn’t have a storm jib.
Worst case on this crossing is a failure of the autopilot. Being on the boat alone it would be a pain to steer the boat manually by one person for weeks, and it would take the skipper three times as long as planned to reach the Azores. So let’s hope that this worst case scenario is not gonna happen.
At 08:30 Tuesday morning, the bridge of Simpson Bay Lagoon will open for outbound traffic and the skipper starts his cruise.

See you at the Azores.
Skipper Ingo
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