Within the last two and a half years about 400 to 500 rudders have been destroyed by orcas along the southern west European coast. This data/statistic comes from “Iberian Orca”, an initiative of Scientists who collects and documents all events with the orcas.
So far, even three boats sank within the last 12 month. Obviously, this problem should not be ignored by skippers who sail in that area.
There is already an app (Orcinus) available that shows and collects reports about attacks and observations of orcas. This photo comes from their app. Skipper Ingo and crew hope not to have to make an entry in their map.
It’s a little bit annoying to sail that close to the coast, but according to the map that showed orca attacks and observations we should stick to the recommended strategy to stay within the 20 m depth along the coastline whenever it’s possible. This won’t be possible though, once we cross the Bay of Biscaya.
Skipper Ingo is not on his own boat Faule Haut, but on a Moody 40, delivering her from Cádiz to Neustadt.
Innerhalb von zweieinhalb Jahre gingen zwischen 400 und 500 Ruderanlagen vor der Küste Westeuropas verlustig und zwei Yachten wurden versenkt. Das geht aus der Statistik von „Iberian Orca“ hervor, einer neu gegründeten Initiative Forschender, die die Ereignisse dokumentiert. Ignorieren lässt sich das Problem nicht mehr, ansonsten werden die betroffenen Segler, Fischer und Küstenbewohner die Dinge selbst in die Hand nehmen.
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